Will handshakes become extinct once the COVID-19 pandemic is over?

Will a firm handshake, the traditional sealing of a business deal, become something of the past?

When someone extends their hand, will we subconsciously recoil and back up instead of extending our hand forward in reciprocity?

Experts say the long-standing handshake could be replaced by a nod or elbow bump in all settings, including professional environments such as business meetings and conferences. Fist-bumping, saluting, even bowing or simply smiling more are other alternatives. At least, all of these options provide a general acknowledgement of some sort towards the other person.

It will be interesting to see what the new greeting “norm” will be once business ramps up and physical distancing is a thing of the past.

While many companies may have had hand sanitizer dispensers at front entrances, it would probably be a good idea to keep all of the extra sanitary and hygienic precautions in place in order to maintain a safer business environment to protect hard working employees and our many valued clients.

So to all of you we bow and say thank you for all your support.