PVC cards are a type of card that is made from polyvinyl chloride, or PVC. This means they are not made from paper or cardboard like some other kinds of cards but rather made with plastic materials that are able to last longer without wearing out or becoming damaged easily.
They come in many different sizes and shapes and can be used for identification purposes as well as other things such as entry control, security passes, credit cards, hotel room keys, and more.
PVC cards are produced by heating polyvinyl chloride to high temperatures. The cards come in various thicknesses, colors, and shapes depending on the need of the person ordering them. Polyvinyl chloride is known to be a very durable material which makes it great for use as membership cards or credit cards.
The benefits of PVC cards
- PVC cards can be used in a variety of settings like ID cards, business cards, membership cards, etc. Most businesses rely on using this type of card because of how versatile it can be.
- PVC cards are durable enough to last a long time without getting worn out. One thing that sets these types of cards apart from other forms of payment is how durable they are – the frequency at which cards break are significantly lower than plastic cards.
In addition, PVC cards are also waterproof, which means that they will not succumb to water damage, and will continue to remain operational when they come in contact with water.
- PVC cards are a great way to store information. They are used in business, schools, and personal applications. PVC cards can be customized for any occasion or event. They come in many different sizes and colors to suit your needs.
- PVC cards offer customized printing options for all sorts of needs including watermarks, serial numbers, barcodes, logos, etc. They come in many different sizes and colors and the uses for these cards are only limited by your imagination. Whatever it is that you need them for they will get the job done right every time.
- PVC cards are also capable of containing an embedded microchip. The chip stores information about the customer, such as their name and account number. It also helps to prevent fraud by verifying the user’s identity while checking out during any transaction.
Hence, they make for the perfect choice for ID cards, as you can be sure that the information put on these cards will be secure.
PVC cards have become a popular option for businesses of all sizes, and they are an excellent choice if you want something that is more durable. They can be used for a variety of purposes and can be entirely customized to your liking.
If you are interested in getting some custom printed PVC cards made for your company, contact Mixto today! We will help make sure your card printing is done right with our team of experts in custom card production!
Get in touch with us today!